Rituale, seu Manuale Peruanum

The Oré database project

The first objective of the ‘Ore’ database project is to provide to all interested researchers a copy, as faithful as possible, of the texts that are present in the Rituale, seu Manuale peruanum that was published in 1607 in Naples. The Rituale contains a number of religious texts to be used for the instruction of converts of the indigenous population of the different provinces of Peru. Apart from Latin and Spanish, we find Quechua, Aymara, Pukina, Guaraní, Mochica and Brasilica in the Ore.

In the light of our own expertise and interest we focused on the Spanish, Quechua and Pukina texts and we were happy that Professor Hovdhaugen from Oslo University was willing to prepare the Mochica texts. We would be very pleased if experts on Latin, Aymara, Guaraní and Brasilica would be willing to provide faithful transcriptions and analyses of the relevant parts of the Manuale.

The data

In first instance we had a rather poor and incomplete copy of the Ore text but on the instigation of Rob Goedemans from Leiden University we asked for and got some funding from the Internationalization Platform of Leiden University. This enabled us to order a new copy of the manuscript at the National Library in Paris and to have ICT support from Leiden University to create a website for us.

Our own objective and interest was oriented towards the Pukina texts, and we focused also on the Quechua texts since we expected to find quite some interference with that language, Quechua having more or less the status of a lingua franca in the time of writing of the document.

The first thing we did was to make faithful copies of the Pukina texts in Word, where we followed the ordering proposed by Torero (2002, 409-410) in texts A-Z. At the same time we copied the relevant Spanish and Quechua parts (if they existed, which is not always the case). We decided to transcribe as a different ‘word’ all elements that were divided by a space in the Ore text (even if that was not always easy to decide).These texts are labeled text Letter Language_Ore.

After having transcribed all of the Pukina A-Z texts and the Spanish and Quechua translations (if they existed), we decided to include all the other Quechua texts with their Spanish translations that are not represented with a Pukina version in the Ore. Such texts are represented with a number instead of a letter: text Number Language_Ore.

Below you find an overview of the names of the relevant files preceded by a letter (the subdivision made by Torero) or a number (files without a Pukina translation) and the page(s) on which these texts can be found in the Ore. The letters S(panish), Q(uechua), A(ymara), P(ukina), G(uarani), M(ochica) and B(rasilica) refer to the relevant language.

An introduction to the Mochica part of Ore by Hovdaugen is offered on a separate page.

Texts in the Ore document

(letters refer to Torero’s Pukina list, numbers to texts without a Pukina translation)

Text Title Pages (Languages)
A El Bautismo 37 (S, Q, A, P), 38 (G)
1 De Sacramento Baptismi 51-54 (S), 55-58 (Q), 55-61 (A)
B El Bautismo del Varón 61-62 (S), 62 (Q, A, P), 62-63 (G)
C El Bautismo de la Mujer 69 (S, A, Q), 69-70 (P), 70 (G)
D El Bautismo en Común 76 (S, Q), 76-77 (A), 77 (P, G)
2 De Sacramento Confirmationis (Platica que se debe hazer a los indios) 85-87 (S), 87-89 (Q), 89-91 (A)
3 De Saccramento Eucharistiae 93-96 (S), 96-98 (Q), 98-100 (A)
E La Eucaristía (Instruction breve) 100-103 (S), 103-105 (Q), 105-107 (A), 107-109 (P), 110-112 (G)
F La Confesión General (primera vez) 116-117 (S), 117 (Q, A), 117-118 (P), 118 (G)
G La Prostestación de la Fe 119-120 (S), 121-123 (Q), 124-126 (A), 126-127 (P), 128 (G)
4 Poenitentiae de Sacramento 129-132 (S), 133-136 (Q), 136-139 (A)
H La Confesión General (secunda vez) 140 (S), 147 (Q), 164 (P)
I Exhortación (para los Varones) 141 (S), 148 (Q), 156 (A), 164-165 (P)
J Exhortación para las Mujeres 165 (P)
5 Exhortación (antes de la confession) 141-142 (S), 148-149 (Q), 157 (A)
K Exhortación más Larga 165-166 (S), 166-167 (P)
L Confesionario 142-145 (S), 149-153 (Q), 157-161 (A), 167-172 (P)
M Para los Caciques 145-146 (S), 153-154 (Q), 161-162 (A), 172-173 (P)
N Exhortación despues de la Confesión 146-147 (S), 154-155 (Q), 162-164 (A), 173 (P)
6 Platica que se debe hazer a los indios 201-203 (S), 203-205 (Q), 205-207 (A)
7 Los Impedimentos 208 (S), 208-209 (Q), 209-210 (A)
O El Martimonio 210-211 (S), 211-212 (Q), 212-213 (A), 213-214 (P), 215 (G)
P Exhortación despues del Matrimonio 221-222 (S), 222 (Q), 222 (A), 223 (P), 223-224 (G)
8 Exhortacion para los Indios 248-249 (S), 249-251 (Q), 251-252 (A)
9 Otra exhortacion mas larga 253-258 (S), 258-264 (Q), 265-272 (A)
Q Per Signum Crucis 385 (S), 385 (Q), 386 (A), 400 (P), 403 (M), 408 (G)
R Pater Noster 386 (S, Q, A), 400 (P), 403 (M), 408 (G)
S Ave María 386 (S, Q, A), 400 (P), 403 (M), 408-409 (G)
T Credo 387- (S, Q, A), 400-401 (P), 403-404 (M), 409 (G)
U Salve Regina 387-388 (S), 388 (Q, A), 401 (P), 404 (M)
V Los Artículos de la Fe 388-389 (S), 398 (Q), 389-390 (A), 401-402 (P), 404-405 (M)
W Los Mandamientos de Dios 390 (S), 390-391 (Q), 391 (A), 402 (P), 405 (M), 409-410 (G)
X Los Mandamientos de la Iglesia 391 (S), 391-392 (Q), 392 (A), 402 (P), 405 (M), 410 (G)
Y Los Sacramentos 392 (S, Q, A), 402 (P), 405-406 (M)
10 Las obras de Misericordia 392 (S), 392-393 (Q), 393 (A), 406 (M)
11 Virtudes Theologales 393 (S, Q, A), 406 (M)
12 Virtudes Cardinales 393 (S, Q, A), 406 (M)
13 Peccados Capitales 393 (S), 393-394 (Q), 394 (A), 406 (M)
14 Los enemigos del alma 394 (S, Q, A), 406 (M)
15 Los quatros nouiffimos 394 (S, Q, A), 406 (M)
Z La Confesión General (tercera vez) 394 (S), 395 (Q, A,), 403 (P), 406-407 (M), 410 (G)
16 Catecismo breve y cotidiana 396-397 (S), 397-398 (Q), 398-400 (A), 407-408 (M), 410-412 (G)
17 Oracoens da doctrina Christã 415-418 (B)

Our next step aims at a correction and standardization of all of the textual material (the normalized versions) in order to produce a morphological parsing of the texts that will underly the presentation of the texts as in the trial version that is shown on the web site. In the scroll menus users can choose between different lenguages, different ways of representation (original text, corrected text with morphological analysis, english translation of lexemes and morphological glosses) and between texts. In order to facilitate usage of the web site we decided to cut long paragraphs in chunks not much longer than three lines. The way the texts are cut can be retrieved from the PDF text files since we represent them both in the format of the original paragraphs and in the format of our, sometimes quite arbitrary, splitting up of the text.

Structure of the supplied information in the files

As already mentioned, the texts 1-9 are represented by two files:

  1. Spanish as in the Ore contains two representations. One in which we follow the paragraphs as they show up in the Ore and another that presents the text in chunks which are used in the database presentation and in the normalized versions of the text: text 1 Spanish_Ore

  2. Quechua as in the Ore contains two representations. One in which we follow more or less the paragraphs as they show up in the Ore and another that presents the text in chunks which are used in the database presentation and in the normalized versions of the text: text 1 Quechua_Ore

For the Pukina texts A-Z, it is straightforward that we provide the 2 files mentioned above: text A Spanish_Ore and text A Quechua_Ore, plus: text A Pukina_Ore, two versions: one as in the Ore and the other in chunks.

For the Mochica texts, texts 10-16 in common with Quechua and texts Q-Z in common with Quechua and Pukina, we provide the 3 files mentioned above, plus the files that have been created by Profesor Hovdhaugen: text Q Mochica_Ore, two versions: one as in the Ore and the other in chunks.